Abertay Historical Society

Promoting an interest in the history of Dundee, Angus, Fife & Perthshire

Abertay Historical Society

Promoting an interest in the history of Dundee, Angus, Fife & Perthshire

Abertay Historical Society

Promoting an interest in the history of Dundee, Angus, Fife & Perthshire

Abertay Historical Society

Become a member of the Abertay Historical Society


To join the Abertay Historical Society you can sign up and pay online or download our Membership Form on the right and post it to us with payment to the address listed on the form.

Please note that subscription renewals are requested in August each year. Anyone joining after the AGM in May is considered to be starting their membership from the following session.

General Data Protection Regulation
It is a condition of membership of the Abertay Historical Society that you consent to the Society holding your name, address and membership details on a computer database. This is required for the purpose of the Society’s administration and will be used solely for such purposes. Members are also asked to consent to receiving email and/or postal correspondence from the Society with details of events and other news announcements relevant to its activities and interests. View our full Privacy Policy for further details.

Membership Form

If you prefer, you can download, print out and complete the membership form and post it, together with payment, to the address on the form.

Online Application

General Data Protection Regulation (please tick)

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