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Unless otherwise stated, all events take place in Lecture Theatre 2, Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee at 6.30pm (refreshments available from 6pm).
All events are free to members except the Afternoon Lecture in February, for which a small charge is made. Donations will be requested from non-members.
The Valetudinarium at Inchtuthil Roman Fortress: New Perspectives on an old Tayside Hospital
Dalhousie Building University of Dundee, Dundee, United KingdomA talk by John Reid (Trimontium Trust)
Counterfooting the Conjuring of a Ghaist: The Writings of the Wedderburns
Dalhousie Building University of Dundee, Dundee, United KingdomA talk by James Barrowman
140 years of Ye Amphibious Ancients Bathing Association
Dalhousie Building University of Dundee, Dundee, United KingdomA talk by Joyce McIntosh
Collective Memories in Fostering Unity: Lessons from the Polish Diaspora in Scotland as Our Guide to Shaping an Inclusive Future
Dalhousie Building University of Dundee, Dundee, United KingdomA talk by Kamila Oles
Away from the Water: the first energy transition in British textiles, 1770-1890
Dalhousie Building University of Dundee, Dundee, United KingdomA talk by Tara Jonell and Adam Lucas
The Triumph of Textiles: Industrial Dundee c.1700-1918
Dalhousie Building University of Dundee, Dundee, United KingdomA talk by Jim Tomlinson (University of Glasgow) and Chris Whatley (University of Dundee)
Wolves at the Door? Angus in the ‘little ice age’, c.1400-1850
Dalhousie Building University of Dundee, Dundee, United KingdomA talk by Richard Oram (University of Stirling)
Annual General Meeting
Dalhousie Building University of Dundee, Dundee, United KingdomAbertay Historical Society AGM, followed by a talk on The Story of Dundee's War Memorial by Matthew Jarron (University of Dundee)