DUNDEE LAW 1865-1967 – the development of a law school in a time of change (2019)
Robin M White
This book traces the evolution of law teaching in Dundee, beginning with the earliest recorded classes, started at the instance of clerks and apprentices, and continuing through events such as the institution of the first University College Dundee law classes, the introduction of a BL degree, the founding of its first Chairs, the introduction of an LLB degree, and the creation of a Law Faculty. It concludes with the ending of the BL, but the institution of the modern LLB in Dundee.
A Coda gives a brief comparison of the experience of staff and students in 1967 with those of today, and appraisal of the Dundee Law School’s success.
The book will appeal to those interested in the development of the Dundee Law School, and the history of Dundee and St Andrews Universities, but also to local historians and to legal historians generally.
Robin M White, formerly Senior Lecturer in the Dundee Law School, is now an Honorary Research Fellow there. He was, among other things, principal author of White, Willock & McQueen Scottish Legal System.
ISBN 978-0-900019-59-3